2012年4月28日 星期六

Daddy's Roommate

Book: Daddy's Roommate
Author: Michael Willhoite

Brief Introduction: 
       This is a Germany children's book, which talks about the homosexual. In this book, there are 4 characters: the boy, Mom, Dad and Frank. Dad and mom divorced, and Dad moves with Frank, Frank is Dad's partner. Then the author uses Mom describing the homosexual to the boy, and promotes that homosexual has no different from heterosexual, even the gender is different, however, the love is the same. 

- Narrative Point of View:  First-Person Narrator (The boy)
- Plot: journey (The boy describes the experience that  happened in his own life.)
- Conflict: Protagonist against Society ("Homosexual" has been a sensitive issue for a long time, especially in children's education. However, the author uses a right direction to lead not only children but also adult nowadays to treat them equally.) 
- Theme: "Homosexuality is just another type of love, but love is only way to achieve happiness."
- Style: Sentences (pictures)
- Tone: Didacticism (The author tries to use boy's tone to describes that homosexual has no different from heterosexual, and I think has a little sense of "Even the children knows, how can you those adult do not understand? ")

(**This book is not from Emily's books collection, but from the Internet. If you want to read it, just click the
       "Homosexual issue" has been a sensitive issue for a long time, it is not about the right or wrong, but the cognitive. I remember there was a arguing about "Is homosexual issue put into the teaching material of fifth grade's elementary student positive or negative?" Not surprising, there still  lots of people including parents, teachers or students are not agree, even has a activity on Facebook which is all opposition. In fact, it is because the atmosphere in Taiwan, which is more traditional, some kinds of different from West Country.
       When I was in elementary school, the "gay," this word showed up first time in my life. At that time, I think it is strange, but not have special feeling about it yet. Then I was a junior high school student, I found there have a homosexuality which is my best friend. I felt uncomfortable, but I didn't want to lose this friend, so even I didn't agree with homosexual, I was still his best friend. He kept telling me that how upset that he found out the truth, and the feeling of his heart, I ignored it, because I don't understand it, and totally disagree with it that I couldn't have any "agree voice" in my mind. 
       Now I am a university student, I change my thought about it. As I found that if I leave the "homosexual" behind, my friend is still my friend, the interesting, funny guy, which is more tender than other boys. Moreover, I understand that the period of time when a homosexuality admits him/herself as a "homosexuality," how difficult they felt. He or she will afraid to telling their parents, because their parents may feel upset even angry about it; They are afraid of telling the truth to their friends, since some opponent will leave them, then he or she loses a friend. Homosexuality is human being as we. We are social animals, so do them. Homosexual will not change their personality, if you feel some different between you and your friend, that must be your change. 
       The atmosphere nowadays about "Homosexual" still has a long way to go, I believe someday, I believe someday, this kind of children literature will be open everywhere, and every people will treat them equally. 

