2012年6月17日 星期日

We're Going on a Bear Hunt

We're Going on a Bear Hunt
Author: Michael Rosen
Illustrator: Helen Oxenbury

Brief Introduction:
       A family was going on a bear hunt, and they did not afraid any challenge. On the way to bear hunting, they faced a lot of situations like long grass, a river, mud, a forest, a snowstorm and a cave. After they went through all of worse experience, they finally found a bear, but the bear was so horrible that they rushed back to home immediately, however, the bear followed them on the way. They went back to home, and shut the door, hid in bed fearfully. The bear cannot got in, and went back sadly.

- Narrative Point of View: First-Person Narrator 
- Plot: Dramatic Plot 
(Setting: They were going to bear hunting, and without afraid.
Conflict: They faced some challenges, like long grass, a river, mud, a forest and a snowstorm.
Rising action: They found a cave, and got into it slowly.
Climax: They found a bear standing in front of them. 
Denouement: They felt afraid and went through those challenges again, rushed back to home, and hid in the bed. The bear felt upset and went away.)
- Conflict: The Protagonist against Self and Nature (1. Even they need to went through so many challenges, they still not gave up. 2. There are many situations in the wild, like grass, river, mud, etc. )
- Theme: "Human being should not look down on the Nature, we have to respect it."
- Tone: Humorous (The onomatopoeia in this book will make readers smile. For example, Swishy Swashy! Splash Splosh!, etc.)

       I like this book's illustration, especially on human and animal's face, Helen Oxenbury use simple line to draw out the emotion of them. For example, the picture upon the reflection part, it is the part which they found a cave, and got into it slowly. Their face are full of uncertain, maybe there will appear something without expectation. And another picture below,
it shows that they are really afraid of bear, however, look the baby daughter, she looks not afraid but enjoy, even played with a Teddy bear, the reflection between adult/ bigger children and baby is totally different, it is cute. The most classic is next picture. 
The bear only showed its back, but we can see how upset it was. The illustrator use dim color and dejected bear to show its emotion, I like this illustration most.

       Second, the story teller use a lot of  onomatopoeia to describe the sound of nature, readers can experience both story and sound at one time when reading it, increasing the emotion when reading. 

