2012年4月4日 星期三

I Will Never Not Ever Eat a Tomato

I Will Never Not Ever Eat a Tomato
Author: Lauren Child

Brief Introduction:
       In this book, there have 2 main characters: Charlie, the brother, and Lola, the younger sister. Lola is a picky eater, she doesn't like eat peas, carrots, potatoes, etc. especially hates tomatoes. Charlie wants to make his sister eat foods that she doesn't like, so he use the "imagination" to encourage Lola to eat. At last, unexpectedly, Lora tells his brother give her the tomatoes, and she eats it.

Narrative Point View: First-Person Narrator (Charlie)
- Plot: Dramatic Plot 
(Setting: Lola is a picky eater, sometimes it is hard for their parents to prepare food for her.
Conflict: Lola is too picky that almost everything she doesn't eat. Charlie want let her eat foods she doesn't like.
Rising action: Charlie keeps using imagination to encourage, to lead  Lola to eat.
Climax: Lola tells Charlie passes the tomatoes to her.
Denouement: Lola finally eats what she hatest, tomatoes, and Charlie still cannot believe it.)
- Conflict: Protagonist against Another (Charlie tells Lola to eat tomatoes and other foods she doesn't like.)
- Theme: "Every children are teachable, but they need a suitable way to be educated."
- Tone: didacticism

       I had been reading this book's Chinese version from my cousin. My aunt bought this book for my cousin because he also hate tomatoes, he never eat that, so she want my cousin read it, and educated, than eat tomatoes, but it seems have not success.
       I really enjoy reading this book. First of all, because there is full of child's imagination, for intense, the carrots are not carrots, but the orange Twiglets (kind of cookie which shape is stripe.) form Jupiter; The green peas are rain drops from Greenland, etc. Secondly, those words have special arrangement, for example, the carrots part , which arranges the words like floating in the outer space;
and the mashed potato part, which builds like a mountain.
Those images catch not only children, but also adults' eyes. 
       It is really a cute book. Childlike imagination always surprised me, in my eyes, peas are peas, never be rain drops, mashed potatoes are mashed potatoes, never be cloud fluff, because I am an adult. Well, Even my cousin still doesn't want to eat tomatoes, but I believe this book will be effective to some little picky eater.

