2012年6月23日 星期六

Snow White In New York

Book: Snow White In New York
Author: Fiona French

Brief Introduction:
       There was a poor little girl called Snow White, she lived in New York, her mother was dead, and her father got merry again. Her stepmother was a classiest dame in New York, she also had a secret status that she was a Queen of Underworld. 
       One day, the stepmother heard somebody said, "Snow White the Belle of New York City." She was jealous about it, and called her guard to kill Snow White. However, the guard is soft-hearted, he only left Snow White on the street but not killed her. Snow White met seven jazz-men, and became a singer, everyone said that she can be a star. The stepmother jealous again, and tried to kill her in a party by a poison cherry which put in the wine. Then, Snow White passed away, everyone were sad.  Miraculously, she revived when a reporter came, and they lived happy ever after. 

- Narrative of View: Omniscient Narrator 
- Plot: Dramatic Plot 
(Setting: Snow White's father got marry again.
Conflict: The stepmother was jealous about Snow White's reputation, and send her guard to kill her.
Rising Action: The guard released her, and she met seven jazz-men, then became a singer, lots of people said she might be a star.
Climax: The stepmother tried to kill her in a party by a cherry which put in wine, and everyone thought Snow White was dead. 
Denouement: Snow White revived after a reporter came, and the poison cherry which in her throat was gone. She lived happy ever after with the reporter. )
- Conflict: Protagonist against Another (A jealous person like the stepmother will never be successful and own happiness.)
- Theme: "Don't tried to hurt somebody only because of personal feeling, it will never  satisfied a person."
- Style: Exposition and Dialoge (see the picture below)
- Tone: Irony (The original Snow White story, Snow White only waited for somebody to save her, and the prince fell in love with Snow White because of her appearance (they never met.). However, in this book, it is different. Snow White in NY had a job, she was a singer, and the reporter, her prince, was attracted by not only her appearance, but also her sweet voice.)

       The first thing of this book which caught my eye is the name of this book. The story is a little same as original one, like stepmother, her dead, and a man came to make her alive. However, the scene, the personality and methods are somehow different. I like this story. Snow White in NY was not a weak person, she used her ability to made her live, she sang, and attract people's attention, including her future happiness. So we can do it too! No matter how hard we born, we can still use our ability to win our own life. 

       The second thing attract me is the drawing. We can see that the pictures has contraction. The stepmother is darker, and Snow White is lighter like an angel. The people around them also have different face, the left part, all of the them are smiling; however, the right side, they look angry.
Then, the illustrator use a lot of lines to show the busy city.
Next, the light shows holy and the love form others of Snow White, even she is died, she is still like an angel.
I really like this skill of illustration.

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